XML Feed, Crazy Listings and so on....
Just a quick post to let you guys know I'm still alive and to cover one or two other things:
Happy Gaming,
- I've just released a test XML Feed which you can get to at the bottom of every search results page. This feed is a test really to see if this sort of thing is useful to you guys, for example you could use it to keep your own site updated with details of WoW Gold prices. Might be useful if people in your guild buy regularly. I noted a few other possible uses, but it's really an experiment in giving some access to the Eye On MOGS search to the community.
- I want to note that I'm aware of a problem with the World of Warcraft results where Gaming Treasure results are coming up many time, sometimes for the wrong server. I have added a few new servers which should have some impact on this, but I'll be investigating the matter more properly when I have some more free time. Right now I'm snowed under :) Sos.
Happy Gaming,
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